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Pink Sugar

About This Blog

For over 30 years I have been a teacher in public and private education.  Although I have had the opportunity to teach from Pre-K to 6th Grade, the bulk of my career has been K-2 with a focus in literacy.  The last three years, I had the opportunity to teach at St. Rose of Lima School.  While teaching 2nd Grade I had the privilege of not only teaching religion, but also preparing students to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.   In doing this, my heart was opened to the value of the Mass in our daily lives and how much children at this age want to know about Jesus and our Catholic Faith.  Last Fall, when I became a grandma and daily caregiver for my first grandchild, I knew I had made the right choice but would miss the students.   So, when I was asked me to help coordinate the Direct 

Prep of the First Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion I felt extremely blessed. This blog I hope will be an additional help to you in a consistent way---filling in the times between the Direct Prep Sessions. It's meant to be an additional support in helping your child prepare for the sacraments this year.
Take some time to explore the blog and find what sparks your interest. Feel free to reach out if you would like to. Please Read on and enjoy!

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