We had our last class yesterday and it went well. Everyone was able to practice going through the steps of Reconciliation. We have quite a few days before First Reconciliation. Please try and review with your child the steps and the Act of Contrition Prayer. I have attached a sheet on both. These will be the same sheets that will be in the Reconciliation Room that night when they go in. They do not need to memorize everything just to have an idea of what is to be said when. The most important thing is that they have time to do an Examination of Conscious before coming to First Reconciliation. If it is easier for them, they can write it down, sometimes nerves kick in and it's hard to remember. Please encourage them to be brief. They just need to say I hit my brother not when we were at my grandma's birthday last Saturday eating cake my brother said this mean thing and I... I have included a really short refresher video (less than 5 min) on Examination of Conscious and Reconciliation. This week also starts lent with Ash Wednesday, (same day as Valentines Day) I have included a video from the Catholic Mom's Life just talking about Lent and giving ideas on how she and her young family observe this time. I hope you have a great week with the beginning of lent and are able to find some of God's Blessings along the way.